Community Agencies

We collaborate with community agencies to support them with the successful implementation of evidence-based practices that effectively engage families. 

Our expertise in the area of implementation is the result of more than a decade of working with various service agencies locally, nationally, and internationally to successfully implement evidence-based programs. 

As a field, we know so much about factors and programs that promote school readiness and prevent early-starting child problem behavior; we also know that successful implementation of evidence-based programming in the community is challenging. 

We aim to help agencies overcome these challenges and to facilitate successful implementations. 

In our experience working with local agencies to implement evidence-based programs, we have found that every agency has unique needs and goals. Thus, with each implementation, time is needed to tailor use of these new methods to the agency’s needs, including: 

  • Designing screening tools that meet the demands of the target population and match the age group of children (infants vs. preschoolers vs. adolescents)
  • Developing programmatic content that addresses the agency’s goals (e.g., meeting nutritional demands for children, pediatric care, investigating allegations of child maltreatment)
  • Ensuring methods and processes meet the needs of the agency’s service population (e.g., translation of materials into Spanish, or a special emphasis on a clinical population or outcome).